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Recommended Conferences for Bioethical Issues

Bioethical Issues

As per available reports about 152 Open Access articles, 38 Scientific conference Proceedings , 8 National symposiums and 26 speakers, 48 Editors, 3 Journals, 1 e-Book on Key word Bioethics in Global Events page. Global Events of Conference series are presently dedicated exclusively to biobank and about 2,070 articles are being published on Tissue Science & Engineering.

Ethical issues are commonly present in many aspects of Biobanking. The fact that Biobanks deal with human samples, invading an individual autonomy or limiting self-control, provokes a number of ethical issues. Who is actually competent to give informed consent and donate a sample? When individuals donate part of their body to a biobank, how is that human sample processed? Who is the owner of the sample? Who should decide how it should be used? Who has the right to know individual results of research? These and many more ethical dilemmas exist in the ethical framework of biobanks. With the recent rapid developments in biobanking, all of these issues are magnified with plenty of further new questions continuously arising. Ethical framework has been the most controversial issue in the domain of biobanking. Thus, it is not surprising that there is a substantial literature focusing on ethical dilemmas in biobanking, such as informed consent, privacy, protection, and returning of results to participants. For many years, researchers at CRB have provided constructive advice on how to deal with ethical aspects of research using human tissue material and personal data. For more than 80 years tissue has been derived from human bodies, stored, distributed and used for therapeutic, educational, forensic and research purposes as part of healthcare routine in most western countries.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events. Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open Accesswhich contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The Conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope & Importance 

Bioethics is clearly a philosophic integration of human, animal and environmental rights. It fosters an Earth or Creation-centered world view, a "paradigm shift"-what E. F. Schumacher, the father of ecological economics (eco-nomics) termed "metanoia." Bioethics also helps establish a common ground for different views, the democratic process being facilitated by the principle of giving equal and fair consideration to all sides or aspects of a given issue concerning human, animal or environmental rights. Decisions and full-cost accountings based upon bioethics should include scientific, economic, legal, moral, social, and environmental and compassionate considerations. They are not purely "science based" as is the trend today in such matters as wildlife protection, habitat conservation, FDA approval of genetically engineered bovine growth hormone and USD. A approval of the release of genetically-engineered organisms into the environment. It broadens the scope of responsibilities by incorporating concern for indigenous peoples, minorities, the environment or natural world, and animals wild and domesticated.. The global market of biobanks in Europe was USD 142.million in 2011 and it is forecasted that this market will reach USD 216.3 million in 2018 with compound annual growth rate of 54% from 2011-2018.


List of Conferences:

Relevant societies and associations:

  • Biobank Lexicon
  • Biobank and Cohort Building Network
  • International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)
  • Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure — European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC)\
  • Applied Research on Cancer (ARC-NET)
  • European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation & Biobanking (ESBB)
  • The network of National Cancer Institutions of Latin America (RINC)
  • Public Population Project in Genomics and Society (P3G)
  • African Organisation for Research & Training in Cancer (AORTIC)
  • Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
  • Centre of Genomics and Policy (CGP)


  • OHSU Knight BioLibrary
  • Oregon Brain Bank
  • National Psoriasis BioBank
  • UCSF AIDS Specimen Bank
  • University of Maryland Brain & Tissue Bank
  • Edinburg Brain & Tissue Banks
  • UK Stem Cell Bank
  • Neuroendocrine Tumors Biobank
  • UK Biobank
  • Cancer Center Tissue Bank – Fudan University
  • National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Genebank
  • TCG Life Sciences Biobank

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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