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Recommended Conferences for community health

community health

Community health a field of public health, is a discipline which concerns itself with the study and improvement of the health characteristics of biological communities. It is a field of public health, is a discipline which concerns itself with the study and improvement of the health characteristics of biological communities. While the term community can be broadly defined, community health tends to focus on geographical areas rather than people with shared characteristics. The health characteristics of a community are often examined using geographic information system (GIS) software and public health datasets. Some projects, such as Info Share or GEOPROJ combine GIS with existing datasets, allowing the general public to examine the characteristics of any given community in participating countries.
Community health may be studied within three broad categories: Primary healthcare which refers to interventions that focus on the individual or family such as hand-washing, immunization, circumcision, Secondary healthcare refers to those activities which focus on the environment such as draining puddles of water near the house, clearing bushes and spraying insecticides to control vectors like mosquitoes., Tertiary healthcare on the other hand refers to those interventions that take place in a hospital setting such as intravenous rehydration or surgery. The actions and conditions that protect and improve community or population health can be organized into three areas: health promotion, health protection, and health services. This breakdown emphasizes the collaborative efforts of various public and private sectors in relation to community health.
In the past, most individuals could be identified with a community in either a geographical or an organizational sense. Today, however, with expanding global economies, rapid transportation, and instant communication, communities alone no longer have the resources to control or look after all the needs of their residents or constituents. Thus the term "population health" has emerged. Population health differs from community health only in the scope of people it might address. People who are not organized or have no identity as a group or locality may constitute a population, but not necessarily a community. Women over fifty, adolescents, adults twenty-five to forty-four years of age, seniors living in public housing, prisoners, and blue-collar workers are all examples of populations. A population could be a segment of a community, a category of people in several communities of a region, or workers in various industries. The health status of these populations and the actions and conditions needed to protect and improve the health of a population constitute population health. In community health practice, it is common to study populations by age group and by circumstance because of the health problems that are common to each group. Community health personnel work to identify environmental risks and problems so they can take the necessary actions to protect the community or population.
OMICS Group one of the world leader in Open Access Publisher and leading Scientific event Organizer serving the scientific community through its world class Open Access Journals and International Scientific Conferences, meetings, workshops, national symposiums in the arena of Life Science, Engineering, Clinical, Medical and Management. OMICS Publishing group hosts 400 Open access journals with the support of 3000 eminent editorial board members, reviewers and 3.5 million readers. ConferenceSeries Conferenceshosting 400 International Conferences worldwide with the support of more than 1000 International collaboration with renowned societies. To encourage the young researchers OMICS International initiated the Young Scientist Award which is a unique achievement. OMICS International events are famous for its well organized scientific sessions, plenary lectures, poster competitions, b2B meetings and world class exhibitions. ConferenceSeries Journals are known for their high impact factor journals and a section of ConferenceSeries journals are indexed in the world renowned science database like Medline, PubMed Central, Obscure and Scopus. OMICS acquired as many as 40 reputed journals such as Oral Health and Dental Management and Molecular, genetic Medicine and others. Omics International has published 13 articles, 61 conference proceedings, 51 speakers, 13 national symposiums on Community health and has 46 editors for review on community health.
On Community health about 500 to 600 events like conferences, symposiums and workshops are being organized in different continents. Many numbers of companies are there for Community health across the world like 70 companies in USA, 60 in Africa, 90 in Australia and about 95 companies in Asia.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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