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Recommended Conferences for family planning

family planning

Family Planningis the voluntary planning and action taken by people to forestall, delay or achieve a pregnancy. Family planning services embody counsel and educate, preconception care, screening and laboratory tests, and every one bureau approved strategies of contraceptive method. The Centers for Disease Control characterizes family planning as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century. In 1800, women had an average of 7 children; today women average 2.1 children. A woman is fertile for an average of 35 years of her life; if she has two children, she will spend about 30 years of her life avoiding pregnancy. Family planning information and services help individuals maintain their overall health and improve family and community health by supporting men and women to have children when their health, financial conditions, and personal situations are optimal. Access to family planning services is an important factor in planning for healthy pregnancies. Healthy people 2020 are a national 10-year agenda for improving the health of all Americans. Its purpose is to spot nationwide health improvement priorities, and provide measurable objectives and goals that are applicable at the national, State, and native levels. Healthy people 2020 identify family planning as a key area to enhance the health of American citizens, with the subsequent goal: Improve physiological state coming up with and spacing, and stop fortuitous physiological state.
OMICS GROUP International, a leading Science event organizer has been in business (open access journal and international conference organizer) for the past 7 years. We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best of the events organized in previous years. Group International contributes its prominent scientific services by organizing around 300 International science conferences all over the globe annually and managing 400 peer- reviewed open access journals with the support of more than 1000 international scientific associations and 30,000 editorial board members and 3.5 million followers to its credit. The name and business strength that has been earned by our organization today, is due to the strong tie-up with business and eminent organizations while simultaneously accomplishing international benchmarks accreditation standards by its international conferences.
ConferenceSeries have put together an exciting conference with a wide representation of fields, specializations and current global health issue seeking to bring together primary care and disease specialty physicians, doctor of osteopathy, podiatrists, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychologists and dietitians, certified disease educators and other health care professionals who care for patients with certain diseases, at risk for disease, and who manage disease related complications. The 3-day program includes a variety of panels like symposia, oral abstract sessions, meet the expert sessions, interest group discussions, guided audio poster tours, and poster presentations, designed to feature timely and significant recent advances and practical aspect in basic science and the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.
Family planning being the most important concern of the society and nation are targeting it for maximum awareness among people by several organizations conducting International conferences on the topic concerned across the globe. Some of the international conferences which are to be held in coming months or the following year are:
1. North American Forum on Family Planning, Miami, Florida
2. World Congress of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Vancouver, Canada
3. Second International Conference on Advances on Women's Studies 2015 (AWS 2015): Women and Globalization, Toronto, Canada
4. Teaming Up for Women's Health: ACOG 2015 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, California
5. American Medical Women’s Association’s Centennial Meeting: Celebrating a Century Past and Embracing an Empowered and Innovative Future, Chicago, Illinois
6. New Endeavors in Women's Health: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists World Congress 2015, Brisbane, Australia
7. 5th International Conference on Gender Studies: Neoliberal Discourse and Gender Equality, Famagusta, North Cyprus
8. 2015 Annual Convention: American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Lake Buena Vista, Florida
9. 16th World Congress on Human Reproduction, Berlin, Germany
10. 2015 Annual Meeting: Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), Los Angeles, California

Some of the associations also aims to promote the information across the globe by reaching people individually or organizes an event which invites mass number of people and providing them with the knowledge on how to control and execute family planning. Some of the associations supporting Family Planning are:
1. Irish Family Planning Association (the IFPA)
2. Guttmacher Institute
3. Family Planning NSW
4. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
5. Federation Of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia
6. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
7. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
8. Canadian Development Agency (CIDA)
9. Department for International Development (DFID)
10. world bank
11. International Planned Parenthood Federation
Thus, OMICS Group Conferences encourages this idea of knowledge distribution and is proud to provide the needed platform for upcoming research professionals. Organizations or Institutes with the intent of addressing an issue are provided with the scope of organizing a symposium. OMICS Symposium recognizes the need to contribute to organizations by helping them to organize a symposium with in the event setting. This not only facilitates the organizations who are putting together the symposium but also brings in benefit to other participants of the event. OMICS workshops provide special training to budding professionals, enthusiasts and students by conducting workshops with the help of established veterans from the industry. A scientific event is considered successful on the basis of number of speakers, scholars, delegates and student participation.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations