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Recommended Conferences for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Ductal breast cancer is the most common type of breast cancer. Around 90 out of every 100 breast cancers diagnosed (90%) are this type. It is also called ductal carcinoma. A ductal carcinoma of the breast is a cancer that started in the cells that line the ducts of the breasts and has begun to spread into the surrounding breast tissue. There may be no signs and symptoms as with any breast cancer. The following are possible signs of breast cancer such as lump in the breast, thickening of the breast skin, redness of the breast, swelling & pain in breast and lumps in the underarm area. Mammogram may reveal a suspicious mass, which will lead to further testing. Diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma by steps that includes digital mammography, ultrasound, MRI, Staging workup, biopsy and pathology. The treatment for invasive ductal carcinoma is depends up on what exact type of cancer, staging, size and spread of the tumor. Most women will undergo a combination of the treatments such as Lumpectomy, mastectomy, sentinel node biopsy, axillary node dissection, breast reconstruction, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and biologic targeted therapy. The additional rare types of invasive ductal carcinoma are medullary ductal carcinoma, mucinous ductal carcinoma, papillary ductal carcinoma and tubular ductal carcinoma.

OMICS Group International is a unique blend of international conferences and open access publications. OMICS Group was established in the year 2007 with an aim of “Making the information on Sciences and Technology-Open Access” It publishes journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology; it publishes around 400 online open access journals. OMICS Group organizes International Conferences across the globe. Each conference has people from around the globe, and knowledge is exchanged through symposiums, workshops, poster presentations, by people who are leading researchers, noble prize winners, Educational instructors, Research Scholars, and leading scientists. OMICS Group organizes more than 300 conferences per year.
Relevant Conferences:-
1) World Congress on Breast Cancer Aug 3-5, 2015 Birmingham, UK
2) IMPAKT 2015 Breast Cancer Conference May 7-9 2015 Brussels, Belgium
3) 14 th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 18 - 21 March 2015 Vienna, Austria.
4) 32nd Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference Feb 26-Mar 1, 2015 Miami beach, FL
5) San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Dec 9-13, 2014 San Antonio, USA
6) ICBC 2015 : XIII International Conference on Breast Cancer Feb 16-17, 2015 London, UK
7) Barcelona Breast Meeting 2015 March 11-13, 2015 Barcelona, Spain
8) BreastScreen Australia Conference 2014 October 16-18, 2014 Melbourne, Australia
9) Sydney Cancer Conference 2014 Nov 27-28, 2014 Sydeny, Australia
10) 18th Annual Tyler Breast Cancer Conference March 27-28, 2015 Texas, USA
11) World Congress on Breast Cancer Aug 3-5, 2015 Birmingham, UK
12)Prostate Cancer Congress during June22-24, 2015 at Florida USA
5th world Congress on Cancer Therapy
5th Global Summit on Cancer therapy
World Drug Delivery Summit during August 17-19, 2015 at Houston, USA.
International Conference on Urology to be held from July 20-22nd , 2015 in Barcelona, Spain
8th Euro Global Summit on Cancer Therapy
Relevant Associations:-
1) American Cancer society, USA
2) American Society of Clinical Oncology, USA
3) German Cancer Society, Germany
4) Philippine Cancer Society, Inc. (PCSI), Philippines
5) Association of European Cancer Leagues, Europe
6) Association for International Cancer Research, UK
7) British Association of Surgical Oncology, UK
8) British Oncology Pharmacy Association, UK
9) Australian Association of Smoking Cessation Professionals, Australia
10) Australian Society of Gynaecologic Oncologists, Australia.
1) Abbott laboratories
2) Aeterna zentaris
3) Agendia
4) Altheadx
5) Ambergen inc.
6) Astrazeneca plc
7) Atossa genetics inc.
8) Biotime
9) Ccc diagnostics llc
10) Clarinet
11) Dako
12) Eisai inc. (headquarters)
13) Eutropics pharmaceuticals
14) Fluxion biosciences
15) Genentech
16) Genomic health
17) Glaxosmithkline
18) Life technologies

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This page was last updated on July 17, 2024

Conference Series Destinations