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Recommended Conferences for microbial bioremediations

microbial bioremediations

As per available reports about 1 national symposiums is presently dedicated exclusively to microbial bioremediations. 

Interest in the microbial biodegradation of pollutants has intensified in recent years as humanity strives to find sustainable ways to clean up contaminated environments. These bioremediation and biotransformation methods endeavour to harness the astonishing, naturally occurring ability of microbial xenobiotic metabolism to degrade, transform or accumulate a huge range of compounds including hydrocarbons (e.g. oil), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heterocyclic compounds (such as pyridine or quinoline), pharmaceutical substances, radionuclides and metals.
About omics-
OMICS International is an amalgamation of Open Access Publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology "Open Access", OMICS International publishes 700 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals. OMICS International has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on Science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, Educational Institutions, Research centers and the industry are main stakeholders that benefitted greatly from this knowledge dissemination. OMICS International also organizes 1000 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions.

Scope and Importance: 

Major methodological breakthroughs in recent years have enabled detailed genomic, metagenomic, proteomic, bioinformatic and other high-throughput analyses of environmentally relevant microorganisms providing unprecedented insights into key biodegradative pathways and the ability of organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Microorganisms gain energy by catalyzing energy-producing chemical reactions that involve breaking chemical reactions that involve breaking chemical bonds and transferring electrons away from the contaminant. The type of chemical reaction is called an oxidation-reduction reaction: the organic contaminant is oxidized, the technical term for losing electrons; correspondingly, the chemical that gains the electrons is reduced. The contaminant is called the electron donor, while the electron recipient is called the electron acceptor. The energy gained from these electron transfers is then "invested", along with some electrons and carbon from the contaminant, to produce more cells. These two materials — the electron donor and acceptor — are essential for cell growth and are comply called the primary substrates. Many microorganisms, like humans, use molecular oxygen (O2) as the electron acceptor. The process of destroying organic compounds with the aid of 02 is called aerobic respiration. In aerobic respiration, microbes use 02 to oxidize part of the carbon in the contaminants to carbon dioxide (C02), with the rest of the carbon used to produce new cell mass. In the process the 02 gets reduced, producing water. Thus, the major byproducts of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide, water, and an increased population of microorganisms. Many microorganisms can exist without oxygen, using a process called anaerobic respiration. In anaerobic respiration, nitrate (NO3-), sulfate (SO42-), metals such as iron (Fe3+) and manganese (Mn4+), or even CO2 can play the role of oxygen, accepting electrons from the degraded contaminant. Thus, anaerobic respiration uses inorganic chemicals as electron acceptors. In addition to new cell matter, the byproducts of anaerobic respiration may include nitrogen gas (N2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), reduced forms of metals, and methane (CH4), depending on the electron acceptor. Petroleum hydrocarbons and their derivatives are naturally occurring chemicals that humans have exploited for a wide range of purposes, from fueling engines to manufacturing chemicals. The representative types of petroleum hydrocarbons and derivatives are gasoline, fuel, oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), creosote, ethers, alcohols, ketones, and esters. Each of these chemicals has a broad range of industrial applications. For example, PHAs are released when crude oil is refined and from the manufacture of petroleum products such as plastics. Creosote is used in wood preservatives. Ethers, esters, and ketones are components of chemicals ranging from perfumes, to anesthetics, to paints and lacquers, to insecticides.

Market Analysis-

The microbiology industry totaled nearly $7.7 billion in 2012. This total is expected to grow from $8.5 billion in 2013 to $11.4 billion in 2018, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% for the five-year period, 2013 to 2018


Conferences :

1.   2nd World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology,
October 31- November 2, 2016  Istanbul, Turkey

2.      Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs Conference,
May 12-13, 2016  Chicago, USA

3.      Infection Prevention and Control Conference,
Aug 1-2, 2016  Frankfurt, Germany

4.      Human Papillomavirus Conference,
May 2-3, 2016  Chicago, USA

5.      Lupus Conference,
Oct 27-28, 2016  Chicago, USA

6.      Allergy Conference,
March 29-30, 2016  Valencia, Spain

7.      Mycology Conference,
Sept 12-14, 2016  San Antonio, USA

8.      Medical Parasitology Conference,
Oct 17-19, 2016  Houston, USA

9.      4th HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs Conference,
Oct 3-5, 2016, Miami, USA

10.  5th Virology Conference,
Dec 1-3, 2016, Baltimore, USA

11.  2nd Influenza Conference,
Sept 12-14, 2016  Berlin, Germany

12.  2nd Parasitology Conference,
Oct 10-12, 2016  Manchester, UK

13.  6th Euro Virology Conference,
March 10-12, 2016  Madrid, Spain

14.  3rd Hepatitis and Liver Diseases Conference,
Oct 17-19, 2016  Dubai, UAE

15.  4th Epidemiology & Emerging Diseases Conference,
Oct 3-5, 2016 London, UK

16.  2nd Flu Conference,
Nov 17-19, 2016  San Francisco, USA

17.  3rd Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Conference,
July 11-12, 2016  Brisbane, Australia

18.  European Infectious Diseases Conference,
Aug 1-3, 2016  Frankfurt, Germany

19.  4th Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Conference,
May 16-18, 2016  San Antonio, USA

20.  Infectious Diseases and Diagnostic Microbiology Conference,
Oct 3-5, 2016  Vancouver, Canada

21.  2nd Retroviruses and Novel Drugs Conference,
June 30-Jul 1, 2016  Capetown, South Africa

22.  72nd Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Conference,
San Antonio, USA

23.  26th European Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, Istanbul, Turkey

24.  Infection Prevention and Control Conference, Tübingen, Germany

25.  17th Infectious Diseases Conference, Hyderabad, India

26.  34th Annual Infectious Diseases Conference, Sacramento, California

27. ASM-Microbe 2016

28. 17th International Conference MPMI

29. MSBJ Annual Meeting

30. Problems in Listeriosis Conference

Socities :

1. American society for Micro Biology
2. Society for General Micro Biology
3. Swiss Society for Micro Biology
4. Society for applied Microbiology
5. International Union of Microbiological societies
6. Federation of European Microbiological Societies

Companies :

• Gilead Sciences, Inc.
• Amgen, Inc.
• Celgene Corporation
• Biogen Idec, Inc.
• Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Illumina, Inc.
• BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.
• Agilent Technologies, Inc.

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations