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ConferenceSeries International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’, ConferenceSeries publishes 400 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals.
Scabies is an infectious disease of the skin caused by a mite whose penetration is visible as papules or vesicles burrows containing mites and their eggs. It occurs worldwide and specifically in institutions where hygiene procedures are suspect. It is also associated with overcrowding and poor hygiene. Scabies can be endemic. Scabies or Seven year Itch is contagious condition caused by Sarcoptes scabiei and that burrows in to the skin. Scabies can affect all ages of people and it spread easily from one person to person by direct contact of skin. Scabies skin lesions vary and may include small, linear burrows between the fingers, the buttocks and blisters on the skin. Scabies can cause Crusted Scabies in some people who have poor immune systems. Scabies symptoms occur after two to six weeks mite in the skin to appear and main symptom of scabies is severe itching during night time. The other skin rashes look like scabies which includes allergic drug reactions, viral rashes such as shingles and contact dermatitis.
Scabies can be diagnosed by observing symptoms and sometimes it can be confirmed by testing of the affected skin. Scabies is one of the common skin diseases in children. Scabies won’t go away on its own. Medication is compulsory to get rid of scabies and the medicine used for the treatment of scabies called as Scabies Medicine. Most people of scabies can be cured with a lotion or ointments that they apply to affected part of the skin. Most of scabies medicine applied at bedtime and the medicine washed off when wakes up in the morning time and repeat the same process until full recovery. The scabies medicine are 5 % Permethrin Cream, 25% Benzyl benzoate lotion, 10% sulfur Ointment, 10% crotamiton cream and 1% lindane lotion. Stronger medicine needed for the crusted scabies and ivermectin is needed. The other treatment is a combination of antihistamines, antibiotics and steroid cream. Scabies can spread easily without proper treatment.
National conferences and symposia on Scabies medicine mainly provide the information of medication and treatment for scabies disease. Scabies medicine conference is best platform for all researchers who work on the scabies, professors and pioneers who manufacture medicines for scabies for exchange the ideas, discussion for new drugs development and new formulations, side effects of the scabies medicines. Scabies medicine conference highlights the new scabies organism specific therapy and emergency care, different preventive methods for scabies. Around 8 National symposiums and Workshops are going to be held across the globe which includes “World Congress on Dermatologyâ€, “ World Congress on Dermoscopy†“World Congress on Itch†and many more.
Relevant Conferences:-
1. World congress on Dermatology
2. Annual meeting on Dermatology
3. World congress of Dermoscopy
4. RADLA 2015
5. Annual meeting of the society for Pediatric Dermatology
6. World Congress on Itch
7. ITCH conference
Relevant Society and Associations:-
1. Canadian Paediatric Society
2. Primary care Dermatology Society
3. Island Sexual Health Society
4. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
5. American Skin Association
6. American Sexual Health Association
7. British Association of Dermatologists
8. American Camp Association
9. Western Rife Shooters Association
10. International Association of fire Fighters
1. FiercePharma
2. DUSA pharmaceuticals
3. Promius Pharma
4. Galderma
5. Astellas
6. Valeant
7. Leo
8. Spear
9. Precisionderm
10. Sandoz
This page will be updated regularly.
This page was last updated on March 15, 2025