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Seattle Reproductive Medicine provides a comprehensive range of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility services: diagnosis and treatment planning, inseminations, IVF, donor sperm, donor egg, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, ICSI, assisted hatching, counseling, acupuncture, and genetic counseling.Seattle Reproductive Medicine's physicians, scientists, nurses, genetic counselors, acupuncturists, social workers, and staff work each day to help our patients achieve the family they desire. Together we've helped these patients become parents to over 1000 babies. Seattle Reproductive Medicine four locations, Seattle, Tacoma, Kirkland and Bellevue, provide convenient access through the Puget Sound. Our affiliate locations through Montana, Alaska, and Eastern Washington allow patients seamless access to treatment.
There are several other conditions and treatments that can result in compromised fertility in which fertility preservation is a viable option. These include autoimmune and rheumatologic diseases, severe endometriosis, risk of premature ovarian failure, and significant genetic risk of Breast Cancer or ovarian cancer with prophylactic removal of the ovaries. There are many reasons for couples struggling with family building to utilize a young woman’s eggs to achieve pregnancy. This may include advanced reproductive aging, multiple in vitro fertilization failures, history of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and premature ovarian failure. We know how difficult it is for couples to be placed on a prolonged wait list for an egg donor. That’s why at SRM we go to great lengths to pair recipients with donors within three months of their initial work-up.
Seattle Reproductive Medicine conference has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Elements, Criteria, and Standards of Accreditation of the Washington State Medical Association CME Accreditation Committee through the partnership of Northwest Hospital & Medical Center and Seattle Reproductive Medicine.
OMICS Group International is a unique blend of international conferences and open access publications. OMICS Group was established in the year 2007 with an aim of “Making the information on Sciences and Technology-Open Access†It publishes journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology; it publishes around 400 online open access journals. OMICS Group organizes International Conferences across the globe. Each conference has people from around the globe, and knowledge is exchanged through symposiums, workshops, poster presentations, by people who are leading researchers, noble prize winners, Educational instructors, Research Scholars, and leading scientists. OMICS Group organizes more than 300 conferences per year.
Relevant Conferences:
Gordon Research Conference on Mammalian Reproduction
International Conference on Mammalian Reproduction--Translating Basic Science Into Clinical Applications
ACOG District XII Florida Meeting
Brazilian Congress of Assisted Reproduction
World Congress on Breast Cancer August 03-05, 2015 Birmingham, UK
Satellite meeting of the World Congress of Reproductive BiologyTheme: A Developmental Tale: Metabolism Takes Center Stage
ICGRIII-2014 International Conference on Gonadotropins & Receptors
Annual Meeting of the ASRM
World Congress on Breast Cancer
World Stem Cell Summit WSCS14
Annual Postgraduate Course in Advanced Gynecologic SurgerySpecial Event: Hands-on Cadaveric Workshop
Annual The Pregnancy Meeting: The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
World Congress on Breast Cancer Aug 3-5, 2015 Birmingham, UK
Prostate Cancer Congress during June22-24, 2015 at Florida USA
5th world Congress on Cancer Therapy
5th Global Summit on Cancer therapy
World Drug Delivery Summit during August 17-19, 2015 at Houston, USA.
International Conference on Urology to be held from July 20-22nd , 2015 in Barcelona, Spain
8th Euro Global Summit on Cancer Therapy
This page will be updated regularly.
This page was last updated on March 13, 2025