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Recommended Conferences for Synchrotron radiation

Synchrotron radiation

As per available reports about 17 relevant journals, 20 Conferences, 20 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Synchrotron radiation and about 130 articles are being published on Synchrotron radiation.

Synchrotron radiation is the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting ionizing Synchrotron radiation. A material that spontaneously emits such Synchrotron radiation which includes alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and conversion electrons is considered radioactive.

OMICS International organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe and Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

A new type of Synchrotron radiation witnessed - the emission of positive electrons- shows that the proton and neutron play a symmetrical role in the nucleus. If a neutron becomes a proton, there is an emission of a negative electron and if it is the proton that becomes a neutron, a positive electron is emitted. This signifies that certain nuclear forces (both strong and weak) do not rely on the presence of an electrical charge. The ability given to man to create at will radioactive isotopes of all elements has found some uses in all fields of knowledge. Radioactive isotopes, having exactly the same chemical and physical properties as stable isotopes, it suffices to add a small amount of radioisotopes, that act as a tracer or marker, to allow one to follow the development of the chemical elements. This tool has revolutionized biology. Until then, the analysis of organs and tissues was static; it is now possible to watch their biochemical change and measure the speed of the transformation of the living matter. If both medicine and biology have been revolutionized by the discovery of artificial Synchrotron radiation, other sectors would have also benefitted from it.

Radioactive decay rates are normally expressed in terms of their half-lives and the half- life of a given nuclear species is affiliated to its Synchrotron radiation risk. The different kinds of Synchrotron radiation leads to several decay paths which transform the nuclei into other chemical elements. Radioactive dating is done by checking the amounts of the decay products makes possible.

α Synchrotron radiation (alpha)- A helium atom nucleus which is a slow moving particle, having a short range in air. These particles are extremely dangerous inside the body. But they are non-penetrable, causing no harm outside the body. The speed of α Synchrotron radiation is about 0.1 of the speed of light. The Synchrotron radiation has two elementary positive charges as well as the particle has considerable mass. β Synchrotron radiation (beta) -an electron or β- ejected from the nucleus when a neutron spontaneously changes to a proton. They are fast moving particle, about 0.9 of the speed of light. They are penetrable through skin and have a reasonably long range in air, about 1 meter. They are negatively charged and are having very little mass. Β-Synchrotron radiation is very much dangerous if ingested. γ Synchrotron radiation (gamma)- The Most energetic form of electromagnetic Synchrotron radiation. Each bit (photon) has 1 million times as much energy (or 1 thousand times more energy than an X-ray photon) compared to light.

Synchrotron radiation conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of:

  • In-depth of Nuclear Engineering
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Nuclear chemistry
  • Synchrotron radiation

It also provides the platform for researchers, scholars and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Synchrotron radiation.


Market Analysis:

The factors coincide with the availability of a new generation of nuclear power reactors, and in 2004 the first of the late third-generation units was ordered for Finland - a 1600 MWe European PWR (EPR). A similar unit is being built France as the first of a possible full fleet replacement there, and more are planned in the UK. In the USA the 2005 Energy Policy Act provided incentives for establishing new-generation power reactors there, and the first four AP1000 reactors are under construction. But plans in Europe and North America are overshadowed by those in China, India and South Korea. China alone plans and is building towards a huge increase in nuclear power capacity by 2020, and has more than one hundred further large units proposed and backed by credible political determination and popular support. A large portion of these are the latest western design, expedited by modular construction. The history of nuclear power thus starts with science in Europe, blossoms in UK and USA with the latter's technological might, languishes for a few decades, then has a new growth spurt in east Asia.


List of Best International Conferences

  • Physics conference
    June 27-29, 2016 New Orleans, USA
  • Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering conference
    March 14-16, 2016 London, UK
  • 2nd Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics Conference
    October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA
  • Atomic and Nuclear Physics conference
    November 17-19, 2016 Atlanta, USA
  • 2nd Medical Physics and Biophysics conference
    November 3-5, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
  • 5th Lasers, Optics and Photonics conference
    September 01-03, 2016 Valencia, Spain
  • 2nd Laser Technology Conference
    July 28-29, 2016 Berlin, Germany
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics Conference
    August 8-9, 2016 Las Vegas, USA
  • 2nd  Energy Conference
    November 03-04, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey
  • 4th Radiologists Conference
    March 17-18, 2016 London, UK
  • 14th Congress of the International Synchrotron radiation Protection Association
    May 9-13, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
  • Health Effects of Chernobyl: Prediction and Actual Data 30 Years after the Accident
    May 17-19, 2016 Obninsk, Russia
  • 2016 IEEE Nuclear and Space Synchrotron radiation Effects Conference
    July 11-15, 2016 Portland, USA
  • 14th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction
    June 2-7, 2016 Cracow, Poland
  • 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
    June 19-24, 2016 Niigata, Japan
  • UNIFIED FIELD MECHANICS II Preliminary Formulations and Empirical Tests 10th International Symposium Honouring Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier
    July 24-28, 2016 Portonovo, USA
  • XIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
    August 29- September 02, 2016 Thessaloniki, Greece
  • International Conference on Nuclear Physics
    September 11-16, 2016 Adelaide, Australia
  • 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics
    August 03-10, 2016 Chicago, USA
  • 16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS
    August 16, 2016 Wyoming, USA


List of Related Societies

  • The Society for Radiological Protection
  • Synchrotron radiation Research Society
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
  • International Synchrotron radiation Protection Association
  • Association of Medical Physicists of India
  • Australasian Synchrotron radiation Protection Society
  • European Synchrotron radiation Research Society
  • Canadian Synchrotron radiation Protection Association
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • International Commission on Non-Ionizing Synchrotron radiation Protection
  • United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Synchrotron radiation
  • National Magnetic Resonance Society
  • Japanese Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  • International Society of Magnetic Resonance
  • Indian Radiological and Imaging Association
  • The society of Synchrotron radiation Oncology Administration
  • Nuclear Synchrotron radiation Hardening Association
  • American Public Health Association
  • European Society for Molecular Imaging


List of Related Companies

  • CANBERRA Industries
  • Energy Resources of Australia
  • Paladin Energy
  • Bulgarian Energy Holding
  • United Uranium
  • Hathor Exploration
  • Denison Mines
  • China National Nuclear Corporation
  • Teollisuuden Voima
  • NucAdvisor
  • E.ON Kernkraft
  • Nukem Technologies
  • Mobius Medical Systems, LP
  • RaySearch Laboratories
  • ViewRay
  • Rapiscan Systems
  • Ludlum Measurements, Inc
  • Landauer
  • Sierra Synchrotron radiation Dosimetry Service Inc
  • Mirion Technologies

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

Conference Series Destinations