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Recommended Conferences for Transmission


As per available reports about 12 relevant journals, 24 Conferences, 22 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Electric power transmission and about 25 articles are being published.

Electric power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to electrical substations located near demand centers. This is distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals  which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Engineers design networks to transport the energy as efficiently as feasible, while at the same time taking into account economic factors, network safety and redundancy. These networks use components such as power lines, cables, circuit breakers, switches and transformers. The transmission network is usually administered on a regional basis by an entity such as a regional transmission organization or transmission system operator.

Transmission efficiency is greatly improved by devices that increase the voltage, (and thereby proportionately reduce the current) in the line conductors, thus allowing power to be transmitted with acceptable losses. The reduced current flowing through the line reduces the heating losses in the conductors. According to Joule's Law, energy losses are directly proportional to the square of the current. Thus, reducing the current by a factor of two will lower the energy lost to conductor resistance by a factor of four for any given size of conductor.

Market Analysis:

Global power transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing has been on the fast track, with a market size reaching USD 120 billion by 2011. Over the next five years, the market will continue its growth at an average rate of 4% meaning the market size is expected to reach USD 154 billion by 2015.

List of Best International Conferences:

Related Societies:

1. Power System Society
2. The Power Engineering Society
3. International Advisory Board on Technology
4. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
5. Fluid Power Society
6. Hubbell Power Systems
7. International Council on Large Electric Systems
8. International Federation of Automatic Control

Related Companies:

1. Hitachi-Asia
2. Toshiba-San Francisco
3. Husk Power Systems-India
4. Rolls-Royce Power Systems- Gemany
5. Tdps-India
6. Hbl Power Systems Limited-India

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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