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Recommended Conferences for uterine fibroid

uterine fibroid

A uterine fibroid is leiomyoma (benign tumor of smooth muscle tissue) that originates in the smooth muscle layer (myometrium) of the uterus. Fibroids are often multiple and if the uterus contains too many leiomyomata to count, that uterine myoma is known as diffuse. The malignant version of a fibroid is extremely rare and called leiomyosarcoma. Fibroids are the most common benign tumors in females and typically found in the middle and later reproductive years. While most fibroids are asymptomatic, they can grow and cause heavy and painful menstruation, painful sexual intercourse, and urinary frequency and urgency. Some fibroids may interfere with pregnancy although this appears to be very rare.
Fibroids, particularly when small, may be entirely asymptomatic. Symptoms depend on the location of the lesion and its size. Important symptoms include abnormal gynecologic hemorrhage, heavy or painful periods, abdominal discomfort or bloating, painful defecation, back pain, urinary frequency or retention, and in some cases, infertility. There may also be pain during intercourse, depending on the location of the fibroid. During pregnancy can also be the cause of miscarriage, bleeding, premature labor, or interference with the position of the fetus. While fibroids are common, are not a common cause of infertility accounts for approximately 3% of the reasons why a woman may not be able to have a child. Most women with fibroids have normal pregnancy outcomes.In breakthrough cases in infertility uterine fibroids, fibroma usually located at a position of the submucosa and this location is believed to interfere with the function of the mucosa and the capacity of the embryo to implant. Large fibroids may also distort or block the fallopian tubes.
Treatment for the symptoms of fibroids may include:
•Birth control pills to help control heavy periods
•Intrauterine devices (IUDs) that release hormones to help reduce heavy bleeding and pain
•Iron supplements to prevent or treat anemia due to heavy periods
•Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naprosyn for cramps or pain
•Hormone therapy shots to help shrink fibroids (done only for a short time)
•Watchful waiting: You may have pelvic exams or ultrasounds every once in a while to check the fibroid's growth

About OMICS OMICS Group through its Open Access Initiative is resolved to make real and solid commitments to mainstream researchers. OMICS Group, upon identifying the need for the dissemination of scientific knowledge all across the globe, Up till now 500 gatherings has been organized, workshops and national symposiums over the real urban areas including San Francisco, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Omaha, Orlando, Raleigh, Santa Clara, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, United Kingdom, Valencia, Dubai, Beijing, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Mumbai. It is involved in distribution of around 400 open access diaries and directs in excess of 300 Medical, Clinical, Engineering, and Life Sciences, Phrama, meetings everywhere throughout the globe every year with the backing of more than 1000 investigative affiliations and 30,000 publication board parts. OMICS Group International Conferences are completely pressed with intriguing occasions, exercises and learning going with the quick entrepreneurial enthusiasm to make them genuine. They are multidimensional with synchronous movement situated symposia, International workshops and presentations where the identities from Sciences (Both unadulterated & connected), Pharmaceutical, Medical, Clinical, Engineering & Technology and Life Sciences accumulate with their procedures in discovering genuine answers for different basic issues around the globe.
Workshops and symposium :
•International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound 14th Annual Symposium Highlights Latest Advances in Non-Invasive Focused Ultrasound Technology
•Global Embolization Symposium and Technologies (GEST)
•International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound Therapy - European Symposium
Conferences :
Caribbean Woman Jamaica Uterine Fibroids Conference 8-9 March 2009
Fibroid Support Group Meetings London
Advances in Fibroid Research NIH International Congress 24th-25th Feb
World's Largest Fibroid Expo Jamaica 12th-13th March

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This page was last updated on September 1, 2024

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