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Recommended Conferences for Women Health Nursing

Women Health Nursing

OMICS group international is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology ‘Open Access’, ConferenceSeries publishes 400 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals. ConferenceSeries also organizes 300 International conferences annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions.

The women health specialty track prepares advanced practice nurses to give direct care to meet women's unique concerns and needs across the life span, including all women care from adolescence through old age, and care of women during normal pregnancies. It also provides preparation at the advanced practice level for roles such as participating in research; publishing; and serving as a case manager, or educator for patients, groups, communities and other health care professionals. The Nurse-Midwifery/ Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare registered nurses to manage a woman’s normal obstetrical and gynecological needs during the childbearing years, manage the care of the normal newborn, and provide primary care to women throughout the lifespan. The women health specialty track prepares advanced practice nurses to give direct care to meet women's unique concerns and needs across the life span, including all women care from adolescence through old age, and care of women during normal pregnancies. It also provides preparation at the advanced practice level for roles such as participating in research; publishing; and serving as a case manager, or educator for patients, groups, communities and other health care professionals. The Nurse-Midwifery/ Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program is designed to prepare registered nurses to manage a woman’s normal obstetrical and gynecological needs during the childbearing years, manage the care of the normal newborn, and provide primary care to women throughout the lifespan.

The Nurse-Midwifery/ Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner concentration is for nurses who wish to care for the health and well-being of women during their reproductive years. The program emphasizes becoming a health care change agent. Nurse-midwives specialize in prenatal, birth, and postpartum care for women and care for healthy newborns. Nurse-midwives also provide gynecology and some primary care services for women from menarche through menopause. All graduates of the Nurse-Midwifery program are eligible to become dually certified as women’s health Nurse Practitioners without any extra coursework. Becoming a nurse-midwife takes focus and dedication, but the rewards are immeasurable each time you touch the lives of women and share the wonder of welcoming a new baby.

A women's health care nurse practitioner (WHCNP) is an advanced practice nurse specializing in continuing and comprehensive healthcare for women across the lifespan. WHCNPs provide well-woman care, reproductive and gynecological care, and prenatal and postpartum care. Additionally, WHCNPs focus on health promotion, disease prevention, health education, and helping patients make smart lifestyle choices.

FNU’s Community-Based Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner Program (CWHCNP) In our Community-based Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner Program (WHCNP), you will complete your studies either full-time or part-time with your home community serving as your classroom. You’ll also complete a clinical practicum in your community, where you’ll work closely with a certified women’s health care nurse practitioner. FNU has agreements with preceptor sites across the country and continually adds sites.

Career Opportunities As a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, you can serve your patients in a variety of practice settings, such as:
•Adult/Internal Medicine
•Ambulatory OB-GYN Clinics
•Family Planning Clinics
•Home Health/Assisted Living/Nursing Homes
•Indian Reservations
•Planned Parenthood
•Prenatal Clinics
•Private Practices
•Infertility Clinics/Practices
•Uro-gynecology Practices
•Women’s Health Clinics
•Women’s Prisons
Our curriculum has a strong academic and clinical basis. It is unique in that we teach you not only to be a women’s health care nurse practitioner, but also to be an entrepreneur and a leader in the healthcare system.

Relevant associations and societies:
1.Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
2.Candian Women’s Health Network.
3.AWHONN Promoting ,the Health of Women and New borns.
4.Womens Health student Nursing Association.
5.HNN (Health new born network).
6.ANA (American Nurses association).
7.National association of Nurse practitioners in Women’s Health.
8.Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric &Neonatal Nurses.
9.American Association of Neuroscience Nurses.

Companies associated with Women Health Nursing:
1.Women’s Health care associates ,LLC.
2.Brighan and Women’s Hospital.
3.Bayer Health care pharmaceuticals.

Relevant conferences:
1.Women’s Health 2014.The 22nd Annual congress April 4-6,2014. Washington.
2.CAPWHN 4th National Conference Expanding Horizons, Grounding Practice Delta Regina, Regina Saskatchewan October 23 to 25, 2014
3.Women's Health 45+ Melbourne 2014 A Conference for All Nurses and Midwives
4.Women's Health Forum conference 9 May 2014, RCN HQ, London

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations