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Recommended Conferences for Plant Breeding

Plant Breeding

OMICS International has 2554 Open Access Articles, 4514 Conference Proceedings, 40 Journals, 3 Upcoming Conferences on Plant Breeding .

Plant breeding is the science of adapting the genetics of plants for the benefit of humankind. The overall aim of plant breeding is to improve the quality, performance diversity of crops with the objective of developing plants better adapted to human needs.

Already near at the beginning of human civilization early farmers started to select plants for specific features such as faster growth, larger seeds or sweeter fruits. However, modern plant breeding only dates from the scientific discoveries on genetics of Gregor Mendel published in 1865. Although Mendel’s findings were ignored for a long time, they were rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century which also constitutes the starting point of the development of a dedicated plant breeding sector and specialised companies.

As the understanding of nature and its processes developed plant breeding activities suddenly could become much more advanced. Modern chemistry, biology, genetics and also information technology have enhanced the possibilities of plant breeders who brought their new understanding of genetics to the traditional techniques of self-pollinating and cross-pollinating plants. Nowadays many different breeding techniques ranging from simple selection to complex molecular technologies are used to develop plants exhibiting desired characteristics.

Scope and Importance:
Scope of Plant breedings are genetic manipulation of population by increasing the frequency of desirable alleles in cross pollinated crops and introducing male sterile in self pollinated crops like wheat and Rice, intensive breeding of pulses and oil seed crops as it was done in cereals and other crops, proper breeding methods with improved crop management practices, use of heritability methods with improved crop management practices, development of improved high yielding varieties of vegetable and seed crops, quality Improvement in oil seed and vegetables.

Statistical Analysis:
The global market for ubiquitin proteasome research and development was estimated at nearly $2.9 billion in 2013. The market should total more than $5.5 billion by 2018, and have a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.2% from 2013 to 2018.

List of Related Conferences

Related Societies:

  • American Society of Plant Biologists
  • Plant Biology - The Society for Experimental Biology
  • International Plant Societies, Organizations and Resources
  • Global Plant Council
  • Indian Society for Plant Physiology
  • Israeli Society of Plant Sciences
  • UK Plant Sciences Federation - Plant Science
  • Australian Society of Plant Scientists
  • Plant Canada
  • Weed Science Society of America
  • UQ Plant Science Society
  • European Plant Science Organisation
  • The Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology
  • The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists

Related Companies:

  • BASF Corp.
  • Plant Sciences, Inc
  • J.R. Simplot Company
  • Biotechnology Industry Organization
  • AgBiome Inc.
  • American Agricultural Services Inc.
  • Bayer CropScience LP
  • Benson Hill Biosystems Inc.
  • Bent Creek Institute Inc.
  • Carringers Inc.
  • Cherry Farms Seed Company Inc.
  • DuPont Pioneer - Kinston Research Center
  • Edison Agrosciences Inc.
  • Eurofins Agroscience Services Inc.
  • General Mills Agricultural Research
  • Medicago USA Inc.
  • Monsanto Co.
  • Mycorrhiza Biotech LLC
  • SoyMeds Inc.
  • Syngenta Biotechnology Inc.

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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