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Recommended Conferences for Animal Husbandry

Animal Husbandry

As per available reports about 306 Open Access Articles, 5 Upcoming Conferences, 162 National symposiums and 790 Conference proceedings are being related to Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry is the management and care of farm animals by humans for profit, in which genetic qualities and behavior, considered to be advantageous to humans, are further developed. The term can refer to the practice of selectively breeding and raising livestock to promote desirable traits in animals for utility in sport, pleasure, or research.

Breeding techniques:Techniques such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer are frequently used today, not only as methods to guarantee that females breed regularly but also to help improve herd genetics. This may be done by transplanting embryos from high-quality females into lower-quality surrogate mothers - freeing up the higher-quality mother to be re-impregnated. This practice vastly increases the number of offspring which may be produced by a small selection of the best quality parent animals. On the one hand, this improves the ability of the animals to convert feed to meat, milk, or fiber more efficiently, and improve the quality of the final product. On the other, it decreases genetic diversity, increasing the severity of disease outbreaks among other risks.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members.The conference series  website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Importance and scope:

Animal husbandry has been practiced for thousands of years since the first domestication of animals. Selective breeding for desired traits was first established as a scientific practice by Robert Bakewell during the British Agricultural Revolution in the 18th century. One of his most important breeding programs was with sheep. Using native stock, he was able to quickly select for large, yet fine-boned sheep, with long, lustrous wool. The Lincoln Longwool was improved by Bakewell and in turn the Lincoln was used to develop the subsequent breed, named the New (or Dishley) Leicester. It was hornless and had a square, meaty body with straight top lines.

List of Best International Conferences:
• 2nd Livestock Nutrition Conference, July 21-22, 2015 Brisbane, Australia
• 4th Aquaculture Conference, September 29- October 01, 2016 London, UK
• 2nd Aquaculture Conference, July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dairy Conference, June 30-July 02, 2016 New Orleans, USA
• 4th Veterinary  Conference,  November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA
• 3rd Veterinary Conference, August 18-20, 2016 London, UK
• 2nd Veterinary Conference,October 26-28, 2015 Hyderabad, India
• Global Feed Events IFIF, India
• World Conference on Innovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Hungary
• FIAAP International Conference, Germany
• FIAAP International Conference, Thailand
• 17th International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Switzerland
• 1st World Conference on Innovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding / WIANF2015, Hungary
• Veterinary Conference, Sri Lanka
• The 13th Conference of The Egyptian Society For Cattle Diseases, Egypt
• American Association of Bovine Practitioners 48th Annual Conference, USA
• Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress 2016, Malaysia
• Livestock Philippines International Conference, Philippines
• International Conference on Feed Efficiency in Swine - ICFES 2015, USA
• International Conference Russian Livestock and Poultry in the New Environmental, Russia
• 12th International Conference on Goats, Turkey
• 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress, Ireland
• X International Rangeland Congress, Canada
• Precision Dairy Farming, Netherlands

Relevant Societies:
• Rare Breeds Trust of Australia, Australia
• Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand, New Zealand
• The Livestock Conservancy, USA
• The Humane Society of the United States, USA
• Pig Breed Associations, USA
• Australian Pig Breeders Association, Australia
• Canadian Swine Breeders Association, Canada
• New Zealand Pig Breeders Association, New Zealand
• Animal Equality, United Kingdom
• Albert Schweitzer Foundation, USA
• Vegan Outreach, USA
• Society of Animal Welfare Administrators, USA
• Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, USA
• The US Poultry Egg Association, USA
• Iowa Cattlemen's Association, USA
• Animal Nutrition Society of India, India
• Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals, Egypt
• South African Society for Animal Science, South Africa
• American Rose Society, USA
• Old Irish Goat Society, Ireland
• Charleston Animal Society, USA
• Meat and Livestock Australia, Australia
• Cattle Council of Australia, Australia
• Murray Grey Society, Australia
• Farm Animal Conservation Trust, South Africa

Relevant Companies:
• James & Son (NZ), New Zealand
• Westons Stockfeed, New Zealand
• The Animal Feed Barn, New Zealand
• H.R Fisken & Sons, New Zealand
• Miro Feeds Ltd., New Zealand
• Takanini Feeds Ltd, New Zealand
• Riverina's Pvt Ltd., Australia
• ForFarmers B.V., Netherlands
• Nutreco, Netherlands
• Harris Farms Thoroughbreds, USA
• Texas Beef, USA
• Cactus Feeders, USA
• AzTx Cattle Company, USA
• Merial, France and USA
• Cargill Animal Nutrition, Thailand and USA
• SKM Animal Feeds and Foods India Ltd., India
• CP Group, Thailand
• Purina Animal Nutrition, USA
• BRF, Brazil
• Tyson Foods, USA
• COFCO, China
• JA Zen-Noh, Japan
• Shuangbaotai Group (Twins Group), China
• Wen's Food Group, China
• Tangrenshen Group (TRS), China
• NongHyup Feed Inc., South Korea
• DaChan Food (Asia) Ltd., Hong Kong
• Yuetai Group, China

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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