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Animal Feed

As per available reports about 1026 Open access articles, 2994 Conferences proceedings 4 upcoming conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to Animal Feed and about 456 symposiumsAnimal Feed is food given to domestic animals in the course of animal husbandry.

There are two basic types, fodder and forage. Used alone, the word "feed" more often refers to fodder. "Fodder" refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves. It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and sprouted grains and legumes.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events every year across USA, Europe and Asia with support from 1000 more Scientific Societies and Publishes 700+ Open Access Journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The Conference Series website will provide you list and details about the conferences organized across the globe.

Scope and Global Impact:

Feed manufacturing on a commercial and scientific basis started around 1965 with the setting up of medium-sized feed plants. Feed was produced mainly to cater to the needs of dairy cattle. The poultry sector was not developed at that time and was restricted to backyard production, with the desi (or native bird) kept mainly for the production of eggs. Today, the Indian feed industry is worth approximately Rs 45 billion, that is about US$1 billion. Globally, 80% of GE crops (canola, corn, cotton trash and soy) are actually fed to animals. These GE crops then enter the human food chain through products such as meat, milk and eggs. The job of the feed manufacturer is to buy the commodities and blend them in the feed mill according to the specifications outlined by the cattle feeding production systems have separate advantages and disadvantages. Most cattle have a diet that is composed of at least some forage (grass, legumes, or silage). In fact, most beef cattle are raised on pasture from birth in the spring until autumn (7 to 9 months). Then for pasture-fed animals, grass is the forage that composes all or at least the great majority of their diet. Cattle fattened in feedlots are fed small amounts of hay supplemented with grain, soy and other ingredients in order to increase the energy density of the diet. The debate is whether cattle should be raised on diets primarily composed of pasture (grass) or a concentrated diet of grain, soy, corn and other supplements. The issue is often complicated by the political interests and confusion between labels such as "free range", "organic", or "natural". Cattle raised on a primarily forage diet are termed grass-fed or pasture-raised; for example meat or milk may be called grass-fed beef or pasture-raised dairy. However, the term "pasture-raised" can lead to confusion with the term "free range", which does not describe exactly what the animals eat. The types of cattle feeding are grazing, integrated livestock-crop farming and industrial production.

Health: Antibiotics are routinely added to grain feed as a growth stimulant. Livestock consume 70% of the antibiotics in the United States. This practice contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including MRSA. The most common form of antibiotics is called ionophores. Ionophores were originally developed as coccidiostats for poultry and prevent coccidiosis in cattle as well. Ionophores work by improving both feed efficiency and growth rate and lower methane production as one result. Ionophores have not been shown to create antibiotic-resistant MRSA.

Disease: Meat and bone meal can be a risk factor for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), when healthy animals consume tainted tissues from infected animals. People concerned about Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (CJD), which is also a spongiform encephalopathy, may favor grass-fed cattle for this reason.

List of Best International Conferences

2nd Livestock Nutrition Conference, July 21-22, 2015 Brisbane, Australia
4th Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference
September 29-October 01, 2016 London, United Kingdom
2nd Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference, July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dairy Conference, June 30-July 02, 2016 New Orleans, USA
4th Veterinary Conference, 2016, November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA
3rd Veterinary Conference,  August 18-20, 2016 London, United Kingdom
4th Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine Conference, September 29-October 01, 2016, Valencia, Sapin
Global Feed Events  IFIF, India
World Conference on Innovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Hungary
FIAAP International Conference, Germany
FIAAP International Conference, Thailand
17th International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine,
1st World Conference on Innovative Animal Nutrition and Feeding / WIANF2015,
Veterinary Conference, Sri Lanka
13th Conference of The Egyptian Society For Cattle Diseases, Egypt
American Association of Bovine Practitioners 48th Annual Conference, USA
Federation of Asian Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress 2016, Malaysia
Livestock Philippines International Conference, Philippines
International Conference on Feed Efficiency in Swine - ICFES 2015, USA
International Conference Russian Livestock and Poultry in the New Environmental,
12th International Conference on Goats, Turkey
24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress, Ireland
X International Rangeland Congress, Canada
Precision Dairy Farming, Netherlands

Relevant Societies/Associations:

Rare Breeds Trust of Australia, Australia
Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand, New Zealand
The Livestock Conservancy, USA
The Humane Society of the United States, USA
Pig Breed Associations, USA
Australian Pig Breeders Association, Australia
Canadian Swine Breeders Association, Canada
New Zealand Pig Breeders Association, New Zealand
Animal Equality, United Kingdom
Albert Schweitzer Foundation, USA
Vegan Outreach, USA
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators, USA
Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, USA
The US Poultry Egg Association, USA
Iowa Cattlemen's Association, USA
Animal Nutrition Society of India, India
Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals, Egypt
South African Society for Animal Science, South Africa
American Rose Society, USA
Old Irish Goat Society, Ireland
Charleston Animal Society, USA
Meat and Livestock Australia, Australia
Cattle Council of Australia, Australia
Murray Grey Society, Australia
Farm Animal Conservation Trust, South Africa

Relevant  Companies:

James and Son (NZ), New Zealand
Westons Stockfeed, New Zealand
The Animal Feed Barn, New Zealand
H.R Fisken and Sons, New Zealand
Miro Feeds Ltd., New Zealand
Takanini Feeds Ltd, New Zealand
Riverina's Pvt Ltd., Australia
ForFarmers B.V., Netherlands
Nutreco, Netherlands
Harris Farms Thoroughbreds, USA
Texas Beef, USA
Cactus Feeders, USA
AzTx Cattle Company, USA
Merial, France and USA
Cargill Animal Nutrition, Thailand 
SKM Animal Feeds and Foods India Ltd., India
CP Group, Thailand
Purina Animal Nutrition, USA
BRF, Brazil
Tyson Foods, USA
COFCO, China
JA Zen-Noh, Japan
Shuangbaotai Group (Twins Group), China
Wen's Food Group, China
Tangrenshen Group (TRS), China
NongHyup Feed Inc., South Korea
DaChan Food (Asia) Ltd., Hong Kong
Yuetai Group, China



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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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