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Recommended Conferences for Antiviral Therapy

Antiviral Therapy

As per available reports about 01 through its relevant journals, 41 Conferences, 02 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to antiviral therapy and about 08 articles are being published on antiviral therapy.

Combination antiviral therapy helps prevent the virus that causes hepatitis C from reproducing in the body. Peginterferon and ribavirin often are combined for treatment. A protease inhibitor or a nucleotide analog inhibitor may be given along with peginterferon and ribavirin or with ribavirin alone. But some newer treatments do not use peginterferon or ribavirin.

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Scope and Importance :

Combination antiviral therapy is prescribed for people who have ongoing (chronic) hepatitis C infection. It may be given to people who have never had treatment or when the first set of medicines has failed to cure the infection. The length of your treatment depends on what hepatitis C genotype you have. Genotypes 1 and 2 generally are treated for 12 weeks, and genotype 3 generally is treated for 12 or 24 weeks. If your viral load does not improve after initial treatment, a different set of medicines may be used.
Antiviral agents which are useful to restrict, a number of clinical situations. Furthermore, most antiviral drugs do not selectively inhibit virus replication without simultaneously injuring the host cell, and are therefore accompanied by serious side effects. Thus, possible beneficial effects of antiviral drugs must be balanced against potential immune-suppressive and other undesirable side effects. Nevertheless, the physician, faced with a seriously ill patient or concerned about the individual and economic consequences of an incipient epidemic of viral disease, is under considerable pressure by the patient, by the public or by his colleagues, to apply antiviral therapy. Although the pharmacology and use of antiviral drugs has been introduced for an overall reassessment of antiviral therapy, considering older approaches, such as post-exposure immunization, along with the newer chemotherapy, is lacking. Virus structure: Viruses contain a single type of nucleic acid, either ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The viral core, composed of the nucleic acid and nucleoproteins is protected by an outer protein coat (the capsid). Jr addition, some virus. arc surrounded by a lipoprotein envelope. Virus cell interactions: Virus are obligate intracellular parasites. The field of antiviral therapy is expanding at an unprecedented rate. The tremendous expansion in drug screening and rational drug design brought about by the HIV pandemic, together with gathering interest in new viral targets' such as the hepatitis and papillomaviruses, means that more antiviral agents than ever are reaching clinical trials.

Market Analysis:

In data for the antivirals therapeutics market from 2002 to 2010 with forecasts 2010 to 2017the global antivirals market was estimated to be worth $22.1 billion and is expected to reach revenues of approximately $30.1 billion by 2017 at a CAGR of 4.5% between 2010 and 2017. Overall antiviral market is driven by Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) therapeutic sales which accounted for 61% of the market 2010. Data and analysis on HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes and Influenza therapeutics market in the leading geographies of the world

International symposium and workshops:

  • 28th International Conference on Antiviral Research (ICAR), May 11th, 2015, Rome Italy
  • 22nd International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses - October 9-13, 2015
  • 10th International Workshop on HIV Transmission - Principles of Intervention, to be held in Atlanta, GA, USA on December 5-6, 2015

List of Best International Conferences :

Relevant Society and Associations:

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • WHO
  • NIH (National institute of allergy and infectious diseases)
  • Noida having 40 associations of HIV
  • Global HIV/AIDS Organizations -
  • AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  • HIV/AIDS - American Sexual Health Association
  • HIVMA : HIV Medicine Association
  • IAPAC - International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
  • APHA: HIV/AIDS - American Public Health Association
  • Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
  • HIV/AIDS Organizations |
  • International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC).London
  • International Antiviral Society–USA
  • International AIDS Society, USA
  • British HIV Association
  • International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC).London
  • International Antiviral Society–USA
  • International AIDS Society, USA
  • Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation
  • International Society for Antiviral Research.
  • International Antivirals and Vaccines Society.

Companies :

  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Novartis
  • Roche
  • Pfizer
  • Sanofi
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Merck
  • Bayer HealthCare
  • AstraZeneca
  • Eli Lilly
  • GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), USA
  • Origene
  • Cipla, India
  • Ranbaxy, India
  • Hetero, India
  • Big Pharma
  • Gilead Sciences, USA
  • Bristol Myers-Squibb , USA
  • Tibotec Therapeutics, USA
List of Journals
  • Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
  • Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals
  • Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
  • Virology & Mycology
  • Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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