2nd International Conference on
Pediatrics & Gynecology
September 24-26, 2012 Marriott Hotel & Convention Center, Hyderabad, India

    Previous Events
    Participants List from Academia
    Untitled Document
    University of Texas at Arlington, USA

    Stanford University School of Medicine, USA

    Mahidol University, Thailand

    Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

    Hamdard University, India

    Yeshiva University, USA

    University of Macau, China

    Monash University, Australia

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    University of Denver, Colorado

    University of Toronto, Canada

    Zagazig University, Egypt

    Banaras Hindu University, India

    Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

    University di Messina CNISM, Italy

    University of Tasmania, Australia

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

    Sogang University, Korea

    University of Edinburgh, UK

    Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, USA

    Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Eve University, Turkey

    University of Delhi, India

    Isfahan University of Technology(IUT), Iran

    Taif University, Saudi Arabia

    University Medical Center, Netherlands

    University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    University Paris 13, France

    Participants List from Business
    Untitled Document
    Cadila Pharmaceuticals, India

    Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter, Hungary

    3S-Pharmacological Consultation & Research GmbH, Germany

    Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Australia

    Psoriasis and Cutaneous Inflammation Research Laboratory, USA

    Alcon Laboratories Inc., USA

    National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

    Grup de Recerca de Reumatologia (IRHVH), Spain

    Bayer Health Care, Richmond, USA

    Crown Bioscience Inc., China

    Hammersmith Hospital, London

    Van Drie Research LLC, USA

    Dr.Reddy's labs, India

    Merck Research Laboratories, USA

    National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), India

    AstraZeneca R&D Boston, USA

    Abbott Laboratories, USA

    Hutchison MediPharma Limited, China

    Sage Bionetworks, USA

    Central Drug Research Institute, India

    Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India

    National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST) , India

    Novartis Campus, Austria

    Upcoming Conferences
    Day 1
    Scientific Program
      Day 2
    Scientific Program
      Day 3
    Scientific Program
    OMICS Group's 2nd International Conference on Pediatrics & Gynecology, having the theme "Sharing Spectrum of Knowledge and Understanding About Pediatrics & Gynecology."

    Pediatrics-2012 is comprised of 11 tracks and 74 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pediatrics & Gynecology.

    Submit your abstract to any of the following tracks.

    Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
    Abstract Submission   Register
    Renowned Speakers
    speaker P. Syamasundar Rao
    UT-Houston Medical School, USA

    speaker Brian Sims
    University of Alabama, USA

    speaker Brojendra Agarwala
    University of Chicago, USA

    speaker Indra Taneja
    New Jersey Medical School, USA

    speaker Prem Arora
    Wayne State University, USA

    speaker Bottari Serge Pierre
    University of Grenoble I, France

    speaker Raul Lopez Grueso
    University of Valencia, Spain

    Track 1: Current Concepts in Pediatric and Gynecology Research
    Track 1-1 Molecular pediatrics: Application of genomics and proteomics tools
    Track 1-2 Maternal fetal medicine
    Track 1-3 Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying aberrant intrauterine environment
    Track 1-4 Nanotechnology applications in treating gynecologic cancers
    Track 1-5 Applications of new molecular methods to prenatal diagnosis
    Track 1-6 Clinical studies in pediatrics: Pros and cons
    Track 1-7 New insights in the pathophysiology of cerebral palsy
    Track 1-8 New challenges in vaccination of pregnant women and children
    Track 1-9 Reproductive endocrinology and infertility
    Track 1-10 Birth defects- invitro fertilization
    Track 2: General Pediatrics
    Track 2-1 Nutrient deficiencies, obesity in children, and adolescents
    Track 2-2 Pediatric epilepsy, evaluation, and hemangiomas - latest therapies
    Track 2-3 Pediatric radiology
    Track 2-4 Genetics of addiction, ADHD, and antisocial behaviour
    Track 2-5 Pediatric critical and intensive care
    Track 2-6 Child psychology and behavioural studies
    Track 3: Pediatric Diseases and Disorders
    Track 3-1 Pediatric infectious diseases and treatment
    Track 3-2 Prevention and treatment of HIV infection in infants and children
    Track 3-3 Child neurology and neurometabolic disorder
    Track 3-4 Pediatric cardiology
    Track 3-5 Pediatric endocrinology
    Track 3-6 Pediatric oncology and hematology
    Track 3-7 Pediatric rare diseases and genetic disorders
    Track 3-8 Retinopathy of prematurity
    Track 3-9 Congenital lymphatic malformations
    Track 3-10 Sleep disorders: Diagnosis and treatment
    Track 3-11 Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of food allergy in children
    Track 3-12 Pediatric pulmonary and respiratory diseases
    Track 3-13 Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
    Track 4: Pediatric Drug Studies
    Track 4-1 Pediatric drug development: Concepts and applications
    Track 4-2 Drug studies in newborns
    Track 4-3 Pharmacokinetics across pediatric populations
    Track 4-4 Sedative-hypnotic agents and analgesics
    Track 4-5 Advances in the drug research associated with pediatric asthma
    Track 4-6 Adverse drug reactions in children
    Track 5: Neonatology
    Track 5-1 Complications in neonatal surgery
    Track 5-2 Non-invasive neonatology and neonatal resuscitation
    Track 5-3 Role of progenitor cells in neonatal physiology and necrotizing enterocolitis
    Track 5-4 Pain management therapies in neonates
    Track 5-5 Nutritional and toxic influences on neonatal outcome
    Track 5-6 Neurodevelopment follow-up of high risk newborns
    Track 5-7 Bilirubin encephalopathy
    Track 5-8 Neonatal polycythemia
    Track 6: Prenatal Diagnosis and Management
    Track 6-1 Screening of genetic abnormalities
    Track 6-2 Effects of radiation, nicotine, and neurotoxicants on brain
    Track 6-3 Twin to twin transfusion and fetal surgery
    Track 6-4 Prenatal infections
    Track 6-5 In-utero gene therapy
    Track 6-6 Effects of placental growth restriction
    Track 7: Gynecologic Oncology
    Track 7-1 Ovarian, cervical, and breast cancer - Novel therapeutic approaches
    Track 7-2 Endometriosis and infertility
    Track 7-3 Modern imaging: Risks and benefits
    Track 7-4 Novel therapies for gynecologic malignancies
    Track 7-5 New biomarkers for prevention and early detection of gynecologic cancers
    Track 7-6 Hereditary gynecologic cancers
    Track 8: Medical Complications in Pregnancy
    Track 8-1 Pregestational and gestational diabetes
    Track 8-2 Maternal cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and GI disorders
    Track 8-3 Placental abruption and preterm labour
    Track 8-4 Novel surgical approaches for patients with gynecologic malignancies
    Track 9: Critical Care Obstetrics
    Track 9-1 Trauma and septic shock in pregnancy
    Track 9-2 Thrombotic microangiopathy and acute renal failure
    Track 9-3 Anaphylactic syndrome of pregnancy
    Track 9-4 Pregnancy and cardiomyopathy
    Track 9-5 Eclampsia
    Track 10: Gynecologic Surgery
    Track 10-1 Cryosurgery: Facts and advances
    Track 10-2 Urogynecology and analysis
    Track 10-3 Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy
    Track 10-4 Adverse effects of repeat caesareans
    Track 10-5 Surgical management of ectopic pregnancy
    Track 10-6 Pelvic organ prolapse
    Track 11: Fertility and Reproductive Techniques
    Track 11-1 PCOS- management strategies and ectopic pregnancy
    Track 11-2 Advances in cryopreservation and modern contraceptives
    Track 11-3 IVF - new approaches, probiotics, and reproductive health
    Track 11-4 Embryo biopsy
    Conference Secretariat: Pediatrics-2012, OMICS Group Conferences
    5716 Corsa Ave., Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA
    Phone: +1-650-268-9744 l Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    Toll free: 1-800-216-6499 (USA & Canada) l 1-800-651-097 (Australia) l 0805-080048 (Europe)
    Email: pediatrics2012@omicsgroup.com
    Operated by: Editors : Journal of Pediatrics & Therapeutics, Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
    The Organizers reserve the rights to make changes and adjustment to the information in this website
    Copyright © 2008-2012 OMICS Group - All rights reserved