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Recommended Conferences for Bioanalytical Chemistry

Bioanalytical Chemistry

Bioanalytical Chemistry is a sub-division of Analytical Chemistry which covers the quantitative analysis of Drugs, Proteins and DNA in unnatural samples or concentrations. Accurate quantification of the drug samples is very vital for many scientific endeavours which will not hinder the result. Thus the Bioanalytical Techniques are mainly focussed to get the accurate result of the drug sample to provide a perfect result.

In the Earlier times, Bioanalysis was thought to be used of the measurement of small drug molecules. But ever since the outburst of biopharmaceuticals has started, Bioanalytical Techniques have been used in the measurement and analysis of large molecule drugs. This large molecule quantification has left a big challenge of the scientists. Now, these techniques are utilized in the quantification of proteins, peptides and many other compounds.

Bioanalytical Chemistry advancement mainly started by the usage of the newly developed sophisticated methods which include: Hyphenated techniques such as LC–MS (liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry), GC–MS (gas chromatography–mass spectrometry), LC–DAD (liquid chromatography–diode array detection), CE–MS (capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry); Chromatographic methods such as HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), GC (gas chromatography), UPLC (ultra performance liquid chromatography), Supercritical fluid chromatography; Electrophoresis; Mass spectrometry and Nuclear magnetic resonance. These methods have diverse range of applications in Drug Discovery and quantitative analysis and are mainly used in pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, bioequivalence and pharmacodynamics studies.

Around 9 National symposiums and Workshops on Bioanalytical Chemistry are going to be held across the globe which includes “European Bioanalysis Forum (EBF) 7th Open Symposium”, “Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis”, “15th Annual Land O’Lakes Bioanalytical Conference: Adapting to Diverse Bioanalytical Technologies and a New Regulatory Guidance” and so on.

OMICS Group Journals allocate scientific alliance with its highly valued 500 Open Access Journals , around 30,000 Editorial and reviewers team which ensures the quality and rapid editorial, review processing with publishing time of just 21 days from the day of submission of manuscript. Our team is vastly committed to provide some of the most enhanced features such as audio version of paper publishing, digital article to distribute and investigate with social networking enabled. OMICS Group has high panoptical across the scientific community with more than 3 million readers. Nevertheless, knowledge is often defined through discourses embedded in Western paradigms, as globalised education systems become progressively more determined by foremost knowledge of our authors, editors and reviewers with scientific credits.

OMICS Group International organizes more than 1000+ world class International conferences with the support of more than 100 scientific associations all over the world every year. Our scholarly conferences are eminent with leading scientific conferences which attract scientists, renowned speakers with our well organized scientific programs. Remarkably illustrative poster presentations, exhibitions, symposia, panel discussion and interactive sessions makes OMICS Group conferences focus on timely topics as a perfect platform for Global Networking. Our organization helps to exchange ideas and to expand their network of colleagues in both academias, industry and business events including scientific conferences, B2B meetings, symposia and workshops. Our prominence is well known to World Congresses and is well reflected by the content and exposure of our academic conferences.

OMICS Group International is devotedly involved in conducting International Conferences 2014-2015 Europe, across USA (Baltimore, Chicago, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, and San Antonio) and almost all other parts of the world. .

OMICS Group is organizing 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques during Sep 1-3, 2015 at Valencia, Spain. This Scientific event is a platform for expert’s interaction simultaneously with networking opportunities. The B2B meetings and scientific partnering provides the opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations. Thus these ideas can be implemented and new collaborations and deals can be made with the associations.

Related Conferences
European Bioanalysis Forum (EBF) 7th Open Symposium, November 19 - 21, 2014, Hesperia Tower in Barcelona, Spain
2014 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2 - 6, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, California
Validation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis, 05 Nov 2014- 06 Nov 2014, London, United Kingdom
19th ICFIA — 19th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, 30 Nov 2014-05 Dec 2014, Fukuoka, Japan
Validation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis, 03 Dec 2014-04 Dec 2014, Berlin, Germany
EWCPS 2015 — European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015, 22 Feb 2015-26 Feb 2015, Münster, Germany

Enanta Pharmaceuticals, USA
Blue Stream Laboratories, USA
WIL Research Laboratories, USA
Melinta Therapeutics, USA
Amgen, USA
Quest Diagnostics, USA
XenoBiotic Laboratories, Inc., USA

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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