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Recommended Conferences for Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed Matter Physics

As per available reports about 18 relevant journals, 21 Conferences, 10 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Condensed matter physics and about 300 articles are being published on Condensed matter physics.

Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. Condensed matter physicists seek to understand the behaviour of these phases by using physical laws. In particular, these include the laws of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical mechanics.

OMICS International organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe and Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. Condensed matter physicists seek to understand the behaviour of these phases by using special physical laws. In particular, these include the laws of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical mechanics. The most familiar condensed phases are solids and liquids, while more exotic condensed phases include the superconducting phase exhibited by certain materials at low temperature, the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of spins on atomic lattices, and the Bose–Einstein condensate found in cold atomic systems. The study of condensed matter physics involves measuring various material properties via experimental probes along with using techniques of theoretical physics to develop mathematical models that help in understanding physical behaviour. Research in condensed matter physics has given rise to several device applications, such as the development of the semiconductor-transistor, and laser technology. Several phenomena studied in the field of nanotechnology come under condensed matter physics. Techniques such as scanning-tunnelling microscopy can be used to control processes at the nanometre scale. This has given rise to the field of nanofabrication. Several condensed matter systems are being studied with potential applications in quantum computation, including experimental systems like quantum dots, SQUIDs, and theoretical models like the toric code and the quantum dimer model. Condensed matter systems can be tuned to provide the conditions of coherence and phase-sensitivity that are essential ingredients for quantum information storage.

Condensed matter physics is the branch of science that deals with the fundamentals of solids and liquids. It is considered as the largest branch of physics and it has the greatest impact on our daily lives by providing foundations for developments of technology. One of the finest inventions: transistors and semiconductor chips have led to the widespread use of a variety of data storage, telecommunication, and multi-media devices (e.g., cellular phones, digital still and video cameras, MP3 players, GPS, flat panel HDTVs, DVDs, hard disk drives, flash drives, Blue-ray players, iPod and iPad, etc.), and personal computers. Condensed Matter Physics has benefitted the every aspect of our daily lives.

Condensed matter physics seek to understand the behavior of condensed phases of matter by using physical laws. These include the laws of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. The most familiar condensed phases are solids and liquids, while more exotic condensed phases include the superconducting phase exhibited by certain materials at low temperature, the ferro and antiferromagnetic phases of spins on atomic lattices, as well as the Bose–Einstein condensate found in cold atomic systems. The condensed matter physics study involves the measure of various material properties via experimental probes, using techniques of theoretical physics to develop mathematical models that help in understanding physical behavior.

Condensed matter physics conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of:

  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Quantum Physics in Condensed Matter and Mesoscopic Physics
  • Statistical Mechanics of Condensed Matter Systems
  • Bio-Physics and New Dimension in Technology

It also provides the platform for researchers, scholars and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Condensed Matter Physics.


Market Analysis:

The semiconductor industry is the aggregate collection of companies engaged in the design and fabrication of semiconductor devices. It formed around 1960, once the fabrication of semiconductors became a viable business. It has since grown to be the $350 billion industry it is today. The global semiconductor industry is dominated by USA, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and European Union. The U.S. industry faces challenges to development by some forms of government regulation. The U.S. government regulates exports and certain uses of some types of semiconductors due to their potential dual use in military applications. The popularity of Condensed Matter Physics is concentrated mainly in USA followed by Japan and China. USA and Japan are the leading producers of semiconductors, average approximate turn over- $20,000 million.


International symposium and workshops

  • AVS-62 — AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
  • GraphITA2015 — A Multidisciplinary and Intersectorial European Workshop on Synthesis, Characterization and Technological Exploitation of Graphene and 2D Materials Beyond Graphene.
  • PASREG 2015 — 9th International Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO Large Grain Materials


List of Best International Conferences

  • Physics conference
    June 27-29, 2016 New Orleans, USA
  • 2nd Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics Conference
    October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA
  • Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering conference
    March 14-16, 2016 London, UK
  • 5th Materials Science and Engineering Conference
    June 20-22, 2016 Alicante, Spain
  • 2nd Laser Technology Conference
    July 28-29, 2016 Berlin, Germany
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics Conference
    August 8-9, 2016 Las Vegas, USA
  • Atomic and Nuclear Physics conference
    November 17-19, 2016 Atlanta, USA
  • 2nd Medical Physics and Biophysics conference
    November 3-5, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
  • 5th Lasers, Optics and Photonics conference
    September 01-03, 2016 Valencia, Spain
  • 6th Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Conference
    April 21-23, 2016 Dubai, UAA
  • SHEETS16 — Geometry, elasticity, fluctuations, and order in 2D soft matter
    Jan 4- Mar 11, 2016 Santa Barbara, USA
  • ICNMS2016 — 2016 4th International Conference on Nano and Materials Science (ICNMS 2016) 
    Jan 7-9, 2016 Chengd, China
  • 40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites
    Jan 24-29, 2016 Florida, USA
  • ICMCTF'16 - International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films
    April 25-29, 2016 San Diego, USA
  • E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit
    May 02-06, 2016 Lille, France
  • FOA — 12th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption
    May 29- June 03, 2016 Friedrichshafen, Germany
  • OIC 2016 — Optical Interference Coatings
    June 19-24, 2016 Tucson, USA
  • ICRS-10 — 10th International Conference on Residual Stresses
    July 03-07, 2016 Sydney, Australia
  • SEMC 2016: The Sixth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation
    September 05-07, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
  • Faraday Discussion: Nanoparticles with Morphological and Functional Anisotropy
    July 04-06, 2016 Glasgow, UK


List of Related Societies

  • The International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP)
  • International Astronomical Union
  • The International Liquid Crystal Society
  • The international society for optics and photonics (IUPAB)
  • International Union of Crystallography
  • The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  • International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers
  • Society of Non-Linear and Dynamics Econometrics
  • The American Ceramic Society
  • International Centre for Theoretical Physics
  • International Union of Materials Research societies
  • Statistical Analysis of Associations
  • The American Association of Physicists in Medicine AAPT
  • International Astronomical Union
  • Materials Research Society
  • International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers
  • American Meteorological Society
  • American Physical Society
  • American Association of Physics Teachers
  • American Meteorological Society


List of Related Companies

  • Lockheed-Martin
  • IBM
  • D-Wave Systems
  • Raytheon
  • DOE 
  • Mathworks
  • Wolfram
  • Oxford Instruments Asylum Research
  • Janis Research Company
  • CAEN Technologies
  • RadiaBeam Technologies
  • Nor-Cal Europe Ltd
  • Angstrom Engineering Inc
  • Qualcomm
  • MediaTek
  • Analog Devices
  • Broadcom
  • Toshiba Semiconductors
  • Samsung Electronics

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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