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Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person's behaviour. Our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, personality psychologists instead use conceptions of personality that can apply to everyone. Personality research has led to the development of a number of theories that help explain how and why certain personality traits develop.
The word personality itself stems from the Latin word persona, which referred to a theatrical mask work by performers in order to either project different roles or disguise their identities.
A brief definition would be that personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique. In addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.
ConferenceSeries sustains the most effective and also the current analyzed articles within the Open Access disciple. OMICS Publishing Group has been successful in revolutionizing the Open Access Journals and providing exposure to the scientific community by laying a platform along with 350 Journals, 30, 000 editorial team, 3.5 million readers and collaborated with more than 100 International Societies.
The main aim of ConferenceSeries is to transform the world by circulating the knowledge related to science and technology all over the globe by different theme standards of living of the masses. Along with the Journals, ConferenceSeries also organizes International Scientific Conferences which lay a perfect platform for all the International Audience to share their research ideas. ConferenceSeries International organizes over 300 International Conferences annually all over the world.
The biological basis of personality is the theory that anatomical structures located in the brain contribute to personality traits. This stems from neuropsychology, which studies how the structure of the brain relates to various psychological processes and behaviours. For instance, in human beings, the frontal lobes are responsible for foresight and anticipation, and the occipital lobes are responsible for processing visual information. In addition, certain physiological functions such as hormone secretion also affect personality. For example, the hormone testosterone is important for sociability, affectivity, aggressiveness, and sexuality. Additionally, studies show that the expression of a personality trait depends on the volume of the brain cortex it is associated with.
Relevant Conferences from OMICS and out of OMICS
1. Excellent Communication and Influencing Presentation Skills on Nov 7,2014 at Belgium
2. 13th Annual Psychopharmacology Update: Pharmacotherapies for Treatment-Resistant Patients on Oct 25,2014 at United States
3. BPS Division of Health Psychology (DHP) Annual Conference on Sep 10-12, 2014 at UK
4. 4th Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology (CBP 2015) on Feb 9-10, 2014 at Singapore
5. Scientific Conference on Psychology, Sociology and Education on September 2-7, 2014 at Albena, Bulgaria
6. The 16th World Congress of Psychiatry on September 14-18, 2014 at Spain
7. 13th Annual Psychopharmacology Update: Pharmacotherapies for Treatment-Resistant Patients on October 25, 2014 at United States
8. 27th Annual U.S. Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress on September 20-23, 2014 at Orlando, FL, United States
9. Excellent Communication and Influencing Presentation SkillsNovember 7, 2014 at Brussels, Belgium
10. 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders 2015June 3-6, 2015 at Toronto, Canada
List of Societies/Associations
1. SPA-Society for Personality Assessment
2. SPSP-Society for Personality and Social Psychology
3. The American Psychological Association
4. Social Behavior and Personality
5. Association for Research in Personality
6. European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP)
7. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID)
8. Personality Development Association
9. APS-Australian Psychological Society
10. Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
List of Workshops/Symposiums
1. The annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology will take place in Austin, Texas
2. International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Society on Sep4-6, 2014 at Japan
3. 5th International Symposium on Society, Education and Psychology (ISSTEP 2015) on May 21-23, 2015 at Indonesia
This page will be updated regularly.
This page was last updated on March 14, 2025