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Recommended Conferences for Autism


Omics International publishes 304 Open Access Articles in 13 International Journals it has 32 Upcoming Conferences and 15 Previous Conferences with 581 Conference Proceedings and 92 National symposiums so far in the field.

Autism is a behaviourally-defined condition, but is caused by a number of different known and unknown biologically based brain dysfunctions that affect the developing brain’s ability to handle information. Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person's communication and social interaction skills. Autism is characterised by severe and pervasive impairments in several important areas of development: reciprocal social interaction and communication as well as behaviour, and imagination.

OMICS International through its Open access initiatives is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community by publishing research work and conference paper related to such disorders. It is known that ConferenceSeries hosts over 700 edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over more than 1000 Global Events annually. Its publishing group journals have over 5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 75000+ eminent personalities that ensure a quality and quick review process checker.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, About 1 in 68 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder, according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring. ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. ASD is almost 5 times more common among boys (1 in 42) than among girls (1 in 189). Studies in Asia, Europe, and North America have identified individuals with ASD with an average prevalence of about 1%. A study in South Korea reported a prevalence of 2.6%.

The total medical costs per year for children with ASD in the United States were estimated to be between $11.5 billion - $60.9 billion (2011 US dollars). This significant economic burden represents a variety of direct and in-direct costs, from medical care to special education to lost parental productivity. Children and adolescents with ASD had average medical expenditures that exceeded those without ASD by $4,110–$6,200 per year. On average, medical expenditures for children and adolescents with ASD were 4.1–6.2 times greater than for those without ASD. Differences in median expenditures ranged from $2,240 to $3,360 per year with median expenditures 8.4–9.5 times greater.

Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person's communication and social interaction skills. People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter. Genomic research is beginning to discover that people with autism spectrum disorders probably share genetic traits with individuals with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or clinical depression. It is a spectrum condition, which means that, while all people with autism share certain difficulties, their condition will affect them in different ways. Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities and need a lifetime of specialist support. People with autism may also experience over- or under-sensitivity to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light or colours.

Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. People with Asperger syndrome are often of average or above average intelligence. They have fewer problems with speech but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language. People with autism have said that the world, to them, is a mass of people, places and events which they struggle to make sense of, and which can cause them considerable anxiety. In particular, understanding and relating to other people, and taking part in everyday family and social life may be harder for them. Other people appear to know, intuitively, how to communicate and interact with each other, and some people with autism may wonder why they are 'different'.

The Symposiums and Workshops conducted on autism are CARD-USF's Autism, Health, & Wellness Symposium, IMFAR (International Meeting for Autism Research), A symposium on autism research: the past the present and the future (IRABINA Childhood Autism Services) and many more.

List of Best International Conferences

Autism Conference, May 5-6, 2016 Chicago, USA

5th Neurology Conference, March 14-16, 2016 London, UK.

2nd Neurological Disorders and Stroke Conference April 28-30, 2016 Dubai, UAE

2nd Brain Disorders Conference October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA

2nd Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Conference November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

6th Neurological Conference May 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA

Eating Disorders Congress August 15-17, 2016 Portland, Oregon

4th Vascular Dementia Conference June 30-July 2, 2016 Valencia, Spain

5th Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Conference September 29-Oct 1, 2016 London, UK

2nd Sleep Disorders Conference November 28- 30, 2016 Chicago, USA

2nd Epilepsy Conference October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy

33rd Annual Western Regional Conference CalABA

12th International Conference on Positive Behaviour Support

8th Annual West Coast Conference on Autism and Related Disorders: Research-Based Solutions

FABA 35th Annual Conference (Florida Association for Behaviour Analysis)

28th Annual U.S. Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress 2015  

20th International APPAC Conference 2015 - Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Adults and Children  

List of Related Societies:

Autism Society, USA

National Autism Association, USA

National Centre for Autism, INDIA

The National Autistic Society, United Kingdom

Autism Society of North Carolina, USA

Autism Society Canada, Ontario

Autism Society Of India, India

Autism Society Of Baltimore-Chesapeake, USA

Autism Research Institute, USA

US Autism & Asperger Association, USA

Autism Society Central Alberta (ASCA), Canada


List of Related Companies

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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