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Economic history can be thought of as a search for understanding of the nature of economic activity in the past. Such study is intrinsically rewarding but also can be useful in shedding light on questions of relevance to economic policy makers, the history of the economic use of resources land, labour and capital; or the examination of the past performance of economies. Economic history can still claim to deal with the fundamentals of the past in a way that no other branch of history does. It still provides not only the good mental training provided by other sorts of history, but also the best means of gaining a deeper understanding of the present and present problems. Economic history is still too dependent upon a theoretical underpinning which makes assumptions about behaviour in the past which were not necessarily present at the time. The dominant concern is the allocation of scarce resources of land, labour and capital, and whether this was done in a manner which produced the most rapid rate of economic growth; the process is usually seen as value-free and lacking in conflict. Economic historians have tended to seek simple solutions to this problem, measuring for example the value of national income per head. While such monetary measures are valuable components of living standards, they are not the whole story. Individuals, and whole societies, have placed value on many things other than money incomes; they have valued good health, leisure, military display or long life and have been prepared to trade off such desires against higher money incomes. Economic History definitely has a great impact on present economy as well as on the future economy of the world, it has direct influence on present economy of the world and gives an overview of the positive and negative facts of the past economy, which is of great importance. Besides the developed countries like USA, Japan, China, Australia many developing countries like India, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan are also taking interest in this field of Economy.
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