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Recommended Conferences for Lymph Node

Lymph Node

A lymph node is an oval-shaped organ of the lymphatic system, distributed widely throughout the body including the armpit and stomach and linked by lymphatic vessels. Lymph nodes are major sites of B, T, and other immunity cells. Lymph nodes act as filters or traps for foreign particles and are important in the proper functioning of the immune system. They are packed tightly with the white blood cells called lymphocytes and macrophages. Lymph nodes also have clinical significance. They become inflamed or enlarged in various infections and diseases which may range from trivial, such as a throat infection, to life-threatening such as cancers. In the latter, the condition of lymph nodes is so significant that it is used for cancer staging, which decides the treatment to be employed, and for determining the prognosis. When swollen, inflamed or enlarged, lymph nodes can be hard, firm or tender. The lymph system is an important part of the immune system, the body's defense system against disease. The lymph nodes filter lymph fluid as it flows through them, trapping bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances, which are then destroyed by special white blood cells called lymphocytes. When lymph nodes swell in two or more areas of the body, it is called generalized lymphadenopathy.

OMICS Group established in the year 2007 with the main true point of building the information on sciences and technology. ConferenceSeries organizes 300 International meetings yearly over the world, where it serves to exchange the data through international symposia, B2B meetings, round table exchanges, exhibitions, poster competitions and international workshops.ConferenceSeries hosts over 400 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access journals and has organized over 300 scientific conferences all over the world. ConferenceSeries journals have over 3.5 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 30000 eminent personalities and the rapid, quality and quick review processing. ConferenceSeries Conferences make the perfect platform for global networking as it brings together renowned speakers and scientists across the globe to a most exciting and memorable scientific event filled with much enlightening interactive sessions, international workshops, world class international exhibitions and poster presentations.
International symposium on cancer metastasis and the lymphovascular system draws faculty and student participation. This symposium’s comprehensive schedule includes cutting-edge faculty presentations supplemented by distinguished guest lectures, expert panel discussions, attendee poster exhibits, mini-symposia and a young Investigators/Residents/Fellows/Trainees poster exhibits and awards program. The meeting also will also provide ample time for questions and answers and networking with presenters and authors. It mainly covers biomarkers for lymphatic development, growth and neoplasia; lymphangiogenesis, angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis; lymphatics and the immune system as a barrier to cancer spread; biomarkers for sentinel lymph nodes as primary gateways for metastasis; patterns of lymphatic and vascular spread of cancer. Now ConferenceSeries is going to organize International conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis in Beijing, China on July 13-15, 2015.

Societies and Associations:
American Cancer society
Sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma: American Society of Clinical Oncology and Society of Surgical Oncology joint clinical practice guideline.
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Melanoma: ASCO and SSO
The International Sentinel Node Society serves and coordinates the needs of the diverse community of physicians and scientists who study the sentinel node.
Lymph Node - American Society of Cytopathology
Soviety for mucosal immunology
The American Thoracic Society lymph node map: a CT ...
2nd International Breast Symposium 2014 ,“Lymph node transfer
25th World Congress of Lymphology
ICRM 2015 : International Conference on Radiation Medicine
ICNMB 2015 : International Conference on Nuclear Medicine and Biology
Conference and workshops:
Lymph nodes - IEEE Conferences
Endocrinology Conference: American Association
Conferences of American Pathologists
Essentials of Molecular and Surgical Pathology in the Diagnosis of Lymphomas, Leukemia’s and CNS, ENT and Endocrine Lesions.
25th World Congress of Lymphlogy.
American Association of Endocrine Surgeons 36th Annual Meeting CME

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This page was last updated on March 15, 2025

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