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Methane is a colorless, tasteless gas which is the primary component of natural gas. It is present beneath the earth’s surface in vast quantities, but levels in the atmosphere are relatively low. Methane is produced naturally by volcanoes and animals such as cattle and sheep, decaying plants, extraction of natural gas, coal mining and waste disposal such as landfills. It is a major ‘greenhouse gas’ that results from such human activities.
In homes, methane is used for cooking and heating. In industry, methane is used to refine petrochemicals and in power stations to drive turbines to create electricity. Methane can be released into the environment during its extraction from the earth, emissions from industries, and use in some of the residential and commercial buildings. A large quantity of the gas is released from decaying rubbish in landfill sites. Methane released into soil or water will eventually escape into the air where it will degrade slowly in the atmosphere by sunlight. Because methane is present naturally in the atmosphere, the general public may be exposed to very low levels when breathing in air. Using gas appliances in the home may also increase exposure due to improper usage or leakage. Some exposure to methane may occur in the workplace where it is extracted, produced or used. If exposed to methane, the potential adverse health effects that may occur depend on the way people are exposed and the amount to which they are exposed.
High levels of methane can displace oxygen in the air and cause oxygen deprivation, which can lead to suffocation. Breathing of high levels of methane gas can also lead to agitation, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, facial flushing and headache. In critical cases, heart complications, breathing and coma or death may occur. Skin contact with some of liquefied gas may cause frostbite. There are no data on whether children are more sensitive to methane exposure than adults. Exposure during pregnancy is not likely to cause damage to the unborn child at doses where the mother appears unaffected. However, at high concentrations maternal suffocation may occur that increases the risk of adverse effects in the unborn child. There are no data on whether methane causes cancer in humans.
In the year 2007, ConferenceSeries Internationals which intends to disperse the information on these three critical extensions of science with the assistance of its open access Journals. ConferenceSeries International have over 3 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 30000 eminent personalities that ensuring a quick review and quality process. Initiating from the year 2010, The ConferenceSeries International Conferences are instrumental in giving a serious stage to the incredibly famous scientists, understudies, researchers, academicians, organizations, business visionaries and businesses through its 300 International Conferences and occasions yearly all through the globe to raise and examine the advancements in the field of OMICS Study. ConferenceSeries International Conferences are completely pressed with intriguing occasions, exercises and learning going with the quick entrepreneurial enthusiasm to make them genuine. They are multidimensional with synchronous movement situated Scientific Event International workshops and presentations where the identities from Sciences (Both unadulterated & connected), Pharmaceutical, Medical, Clinical, Engineering & Technology and Life Sciences accumulate with their procedures in discovering genuine answers for different basic issues around the globe.

Conferences :
1. 2014 Pittsburgh Coal Conference 6 - 9 October , 2014 Pittsburgh, PA
2. Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Coal Subcommittee Meeting October 22, 2014 Geneva, Switzerland
3. 9th Session of the UNECE Group of Experts on CMM October 23, 2014 Geneva, Switzerland
4. 7th International Conference on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases November 5 – 7, 2014 Amsterdam, Netherlands
5. 2014 U.S. Coal Mine Methane Conference November 18 – 20, 2014 Pittsburgh, PA
6. 14th International Conference on CBM/CMM and Shale Gas in China December 16 – 17, 2014 Beijing, China
1. Adira Energy
2. Alkane Energy
3. Altona Energy
4. BHP Billiton
5. Bill Barrett Corporation
1. World coal Association
2. Canadian society for unconventional Resources
3. Society for Organic Petrology
4. International Cryosphere Climate Initiative

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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